Basic Ingredients for Cooking
1. Cereals
Maize - Rice - Wheat (Bread, Noodles)
2. Cooking fats and oils
Butter - Canola oil - Coconut oil - Corn oil - Flaxseed oil - Lard - Margarine - Olive oil - Palm oil - Peanut oil - Rapeseed oil - Sesame oil - Soybean oil - Sunflower oil - Tallow
3. Dairy
Buttermilk - Cheese - Cream - Milk - Yogurt
4. Eggs
5. Fruits
Apples - Cherries - Pears
6. Legumes
Beans - Lentils - Soy (Miso, Soy cheese, Soy milk, Soy sauce, Soy yogurt, Textured soy protein, Tofu)
7. Meat
Beef - Fish - Mutton - Poultry - Pork
8. Mushrooms
9. Seasonings
Herbs (Parsley) - Spices (Pepper, Salt) - Sweeteners (Agave syrup, Fructose, Glucose, Honey, Stevia, Sugar)
10. Vegetables
Cucumber - Eggplants - Garlic - Onions - Potatoes - Squash - Tomatoes
1. Cereals
2. Cooking fats and oils
Butter - Canola oil - Coconut oil - Corn oil - Flaxseed oil - Lard - Margarine - Olive oil - Palm oil - Peanut oil - Rapeseed oil - Sesame oil - Soybean oil - Sunflower oil - Tallow
3. Dairy
Buttermilk - Cheese - Cream - Milk - Yogurt
4. Eggs
5. Fruits
Apples - Cherries - Pears
6. Legumes
Beans - Lentils - Soy (Miso, Soy cheese, Soy milk, Soy sauce, Soy yogurt, Textured soy protein, Tofu)
7. Meat
Beef - Fish - Mutton - Poultry - Pork
8. Mushrooms
9. Seasonings
Herbs (Parsley) - Spices (Pepper, Salt) - Sweeteners (Agave syrup, Fructose, Glucose, Honey, Stevia, Sugar)
10. Vegetables
Cucumber - Eggplants - Garlic - Onions - Potatoes - Squash - Tomatoes